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Conception, Compositing, Deployment via iumax GPU cloud
Hemer, Germany
August 2023
For this project, a detailed 3D-visualisation of the caves below the Felsenmeer in Hemer was created in cooperation with the city of Hemer. The first step was to collect extensive references on site. Particularly valuable finds were digitised using photogrammetry in order to integrate them faithfully into the visualisation.
Thanks to the cooperation with the Speläo-Gruppe-Sauerland e.V. (SGS) and the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL), we were able to have access to extensive Leica scan data. We converted this pointcloud data into a detailed mesh that faithfully represents the complex structures and conditions of the caves.
The final application allows visitors to explore the caves directly on site in the Felsenmeer on mobile devices. This virtual tour can be carried out either independently or accompanied by the digital companion, Flappsi the bat. Flappsi guides users through the caves and provides interesting background information, making the visit interactive and informative.
This innovative visualisation makes it possible to experience the fascinating world beneath the Felsenmeer in a new way and to discover the history and geology of the caves in a vivid and accessible form.
All 3D-visualisation images shown here are screenshots from our live system. This means that these images reflect the true quality of the iumax system.